Workplace Workshops
Less rigid structure, more fluidity. Minimum 2 hours, these workshops are designed to either pique interest or continue on from the 1, 2, and 3 day courses. This is brilliant for keeping your team at the top of their First Aid game by giving them a space to air concerns and revisit skills.
Workshops are not regulated courses and are completely adaptable - anything within the First Aid at Work sphere can wriggle its way in - just let me know what you want. Great as a stand alone exercise for youth clubs or schools (I LOVE going to schools - let's get this knowledge in those little heads nice and early), clubs, new parents; anyone who wants a little bit of First Aid knowledge.
Price will depend on contact hours required and numbers are limited to 30 dependent on available space. Please do contact me to discuss your needs.
These workshops do not constitute a qualification nor are they certified.
I can come to you or we can find a suitable venue nearby - contact me here to discuss your needs